Two months was the longest time I have ever been away from my quaint home town of Orlando but I did it. This summer I went away to the scary city of LA for two months in pursuits of internships and personal growth. After many rejections and many interviews ( which ended up being good practice for interviewing) I was able to land two internships at talent management companies. Very glamorous compared to anything I would ever do in Orlando I mean one of them represented Chuck Norris of all people! I was hitting the big time. Over the next two months I would not only explore a little bit of the entertainment industry but also the city of Los Angeles which I came to love.
One of my favorite memories of working at the talent management company was when I got yelled at by a casting director. I had been warned that these casting directors were hot headed but I had no idea that they would get this upset over a phone call. My boss had called her trying to pitch a client and apparently she did not like the idea of him calling her on her personal cell phone. I was the one who got the short end of the stick and the one who got yelled at even though I didn't even know about the phone call. Still this gave me a thrill to have someone so upset over something that they caused given that she had posted her number on her website it was partly her fault for that. Actually initially I was a little shaken up by it but of course I was able to laugh it off in the end.
While in LA I got to spend a lot of time with my greyhound nephew Stanley. This ninety five pound dog had the personality of a fifty year old man but still a sweet disposition. I will miss our lon
g walks through the neighborhood and our occasional trip to Laurel Canyon Dog Park where he would try to run away from me which he did in the neighborhood once. I had him in a field off his leash letting him run around and then he just took off through a gap. I ended up chasing him a block down the street full sprint trying to get him to stop. Luckily he stopped to use the restroom and I was able to catch him and my breath.
One of my favorite things to do in LA was go to all the different types of food establishments that we don't typically have in Florida. One o
f my favorite fast food burger joints In N Out burger was a crowd favorite and some of the best sandwiches I have had at the Larchmont Wine and Spirits Shop. Also of course like the tourist I was I went to Pink's a famous hot dog stand in Hollywood where the line wraps around the building.
So after a long journey across the country I am now finally back in Orlando safe and sound. We arrived Sunday and we were completely beat from the trip. Now I am in hot pursuit of some sort of hotel job in the Orlando area to fulfill a college internship credit. So as I wait with bated breath for that I think going to LA has prepared me for the rejection or success that might come of it. For now though Tyro out.