The Disney marketing department doesn't want me. That is the first rejection I have received in my new quest to find employment in Los Angeles for the summer. Though I was expecting to take the rejection harder than I did I found it comforting that it was confirmed that they received my application. Yes the time of online applications is a little worrisome for someone like me who likes instant results and dealing with human beings.(even though human resources can be filled with some pretty interesting cast of characters) Alas, I have been applying everywhere and almost anywhere I feel that I can fit. Telemundo intern , sure why not I can pretend I know Spanish....Clerk floater yeah I can type more than 35 words per a minute. I am pretty sure the WB has been my main source of my new hobby of applying. Looking through my emails I believe I have applied for well over fifteen positions with them. ( Application still pending and still unsure if I will hear back from any of those applications but hey can't apply too many times) I have looked into the beloved hotel that my dear mother loves aka the Farmers' Daughter but they currently have no openings so much for the free lotion. I have emailed hotels one of them being the hotel roosevelt but did not hear back from them. Looking through adds on craigslist I came upon an opportunity with a PR firm but did not get a response from them. I did apply to help with event planning for a woman's organization in which they responded to me right away saying "Dear Linda" my heart sank and I knew it was not meant to be. Linda?? Who is Linda?
Oh well I must move forward from this offense. I am seriously considering being an assistant I saw a posting on a website for "Assistant to A list Celebrity" whoever that might be I would probably never want to see again after being there assistant. There was even an opportunity to be a receptionist for Fox Studios a good opportunity to hone my customer relations skills. ( what I am working towards ultimately since it is my area of interest) For now though I must wait and continue to apply to positions. I am hoping that his delay in responses is a promising that they all have me under serious consideration or maybe it is just their time lines. Best of luck and happy job hunting to anyone in the same boat!