Procrastination is probably one of the biggest downsides in my personality. I don't enjoy doing something until I have a pressing deadline over my head. This is probably one of the many reasons I enjoyed journalism so much. In a sick way I enjoy the pressure and drama whether I will make it or not. More often times then not I do make deadlines but sometimes it doesn't work out in my favor.
Now the biggest thing that makes me so uneasy is taking on a new task that I know nothing about so to solve these nerves I have resorted to winging it. Pretending I know what I am doing and waiting until I mess up seems better than showing my weakness. Now I am all for asking questions my bosses can probably back me up on that one because they know how much I ask questions. For the most part though I like to give off the impression that I know exactly what I am doing and I have found that other people use this tatic. The awkward moments come when you are exposed about actually not knowing. A lot of times in this situation I try to the diversion tatic by just repeatedly asking the same question back to the person questioning my knowledge. More often then not this works but some people catch on unfortunately.
There are some things I try to keep in mind to keep myself from going into complete freak out mode ( sometimes a constant state I am in but I have people to talk me back from the cliff's edge)
- Everyone messes up, even the people who like to pretend they do everything great they have their moments too.
-If someone does catch you off your game try to take it as a learning experience on how to improve yourself and learn from your mistakes.
- Pretending you know what you are doing often times makes you seem like more of an expert than you are. People are all about images if you exude a certain image they are going to believe it.
-Learn to laugh. Everytime I make a mistake at work I usually find a way to make it funny. My co-workers have kindly coined the phrase "wendy moments" so I have turned something negative into something funny. 
As much as I try not to stress about the small stuff knowing what I am doing is very crucial but until that point comes I think I will just wing it and let the chips fall where they may.
I think you are winging things quite nicely! Never let them see you sweat.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great picture and most apropiate.
ReplyDelete"a Wendey moment" wow do you know how many people work for years and there is not one saying about them.
Speaking of deadlines, do you not have any for this blog?
ReplyDeleteChanting: Tyro! Tyro! Tyro!
More entries, please.